Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended. Thought of the Mongoose A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch Part 4: Ukyou Draft 1999-06-11 ================================= Mousse was worried. His plan to get Cologne away from Nerima had worked a little too well. He'd mentioned the altar he'd seen in a cave at Jusenkyo and the old troll was ready to go. Unfortunately she'd been so excited she closed the restaurant and took Shampoo with her. He hadn't counted on her taking Shampoo. Though for once he was glad for Shampoo's absence. From what he'd seen Akane had surpassed Shampoo in martial arts skill, making things very dangerous for Shampoo. If Akane defeated her...well, one of them would be dead within a week, Shampoo's damned pride would see to that. With Akane's incredible speed and precision, the one to die would probably be Shampoo. Unfortunately Cologne could send Shampoo to the Amazon village to report while she went to Jusenkyo to check Mousses story. That would change a three week trip to one taking little more than a week. Mousse shivered a bit. It had been so close. Cologne had already heard rumors of Akane's defeat of Kodachi and Kuno before he'd casually mentioned the altar. He'd been afraid Cologne might suppress her passion for life magic long enough to investigate the rumors. If she had, Akane would probably be dead and Ranma either dead or on his way to China. Mousse did not want that to happen. Not only did he genuinely like Akane, but he was becoming concerned about how easy it was becoming for Amazons to kill. Now he had a week. He had to either ensure Akane was ready to take on Cologne or to convince her to run. Even with her newfound speed Akane had very little chance against the Village Battle Master, so... Mousse's thoughts were interrupted by a splash of water from an old woman cleaning the sidewalk. "Quack!" he swore. * * * * Ukyou taped up the hastily made "Closed for the morning" sign and straightened her bandoleer. She was sliding her battle spatula into its sheath when there was a tapping at the door. she thought, turning to chase off the persistent customer. The 'customer' was a duck. She opened the door to let a damp Mousse-duck into the resturant. He walked in backward, dragging his robe in his beak. "Looking for some hot water?" she asked. Mousse nodded and she went to get the leftover tea water from her breakfast. Checking the temperature with an expert finger she nodded and poured it over the duck. Then she blushed and quickly turned around, trying to ignore the sounds of hasty dressing behind her. A short time later Ukyou locked the door to Ucchans behind her and stepped back to make sure her homemade sign was visible. Mousse politely waited until she was done, and they began walking together. "So, Mousse-honey, where you headed?" she asked the tall Chinese boy. "The Tendo Dojo. I must speak with Akane Tendo," Mousse answered seriously. Ukyou bared her teeth at Akane's name. "What a coincidence, that's just what I'm doing," she said through clenched teeth. "Tell you what sugar, you talk first, 'cause after I'm done *talking* to her she won't be in any shape for light conversation." Mousse stopped. Ukyou took a few more steps before realizing he wasn't there and turned to see what the problem was. Mousse had just stopped for no apparent reason, and was looking at her with...concern? "What's wrong sugar?" "If you are planning to attack Akane Tendo, I think you should reconsider," he said. "And why should I?" "Because I don't want to see you get hurt." Ukyou reached back and pulled out her battle spatula. She stroked the handle and grinned. "You don't have to worry about *me*. Akane might have managed to take out Kodachi, but I'm not so easy." "She will defeat you easily," Mousse said in a matter of fact voice. Mousse's tone calmed Ukyou's budding anger. A little. "How do you know? Have you fought her?" she demanded. "No, but I watched her fight with Kodachi, and have...observed her sparring with Saotome." "Spying you mean." Mousse just shrugged. "Sorry sugar, maybe I'll have trouble beating her now, but I *can't* allow her to keep snuggling up to Ranma-honey." Mouse opened his mouth, then snapped it closed. His eyes narrowed and Ukyou began to worry that he would attack her. "What," Mousse spoke with a hard edge to his voice. "Is Akane Tendo's weakest point as a fighter?" "She's slow." Ukyou replied without thinking. "And kind of clumsy sometimes," she added after a moment's thought. "I saw her practicing with Saotome. She was trying to punch him while he blocked." Ukyou grinned. "I bet Ranma-honey blocked every one." Mousse nodded gravely. "Yes, he did. He was forced to use the 'Chestnut Fist' technique to do so." Ukyou just gaped. Akane fighting at Chestnut Fist speeds just didn't seem possible. "Sh-She's *that* much better?" Ukyou stuttered. "Yes. So much better that her life is in danger." Ukyou closed her eyes, she could definitely feel a headache coming on. "You're going to have to explain that one." Ukyou said weakly. "Shall we continue to the Tendo Dojo? I will explain as we walk." * * * * Mousse rang the bell and they were quickly greeted by Kasumi. "Well, hello! Are you two looking for Ranma and Akane? They're in the dojo practicing again." Ukyou grimaced. Mousse frowned at Ukyou's reaction. "Yes," he said. "We would like to speak to your sister. It is quite important." "Of course." Kasumi said brightly. "Follow me please." They were led through the house to the dojo doors, which were opened a crack. Kasumi pushed to doors open. "Oh my." She said, putting her hands to her mouth. "And just what are they supposed to be practicing?" Ukyou snarled. "Kissing, I would say." Mouse said calmly. "No kidding." Ukyou pulled her battle spatula and marched toward the couple. Before she could reach them, they separated. Ukyou's march faltered. Mouse pushed his glasses down and peered at the pair, wondering what could have stopped Ukyou. Seeing nothing unusual he silently walked up behind Ukyou and put his hand on her shoulder. "What is it?" She looked up at him with pain clear in her eyes and gestured helplessly at oblivious pair. "*Look* at them Mousse," she hissed. Mousse peered at the couple again. They were still staring into each other's eyes with a look of...ah, that was it. The look of love in Ranma's eyes was more intense than anything Mousse could recall seeing. And the only word for the look in Akane's eyes was 'adoring'. Mousse tightened his grip on Ukyou's shoulder. If anyone could understood the pain she was feeling right now, it was him. "Well!" Kasumi said loudly. Ranma and Akane started and turned to look at the group of people staring at them. "Umm..." Akane began. "W-We" Ranma stuttered. "We were just..." Akane tried. "We all saw what you were doing," Kasumi said with a tiny touch of reproach in her voice. Ukyou just growled low in her throat. "Mousse and Ukyou need to talk to you," Kasumi said. "I'll go get some drinks and snacks. Ukyou, would you help me please?" Mousse felt some of the tension leave Ukyou's shoulder. She tore her eyes from Ranma and Akane to look at Kasumi. "Right. Sure Kasumi," she said flatly and walked out without a backward glance. Ranma sighed in relief. "Man, I thought she was going to attack for a second." "That was her original intention. I talked her out of it," Mousse said. "Thank you Mousse." Akane was visibly relieved. "She and I do plan on sparring with you though," Mousse said to Akane. "Me?" "Yes, we want to help you train before Cologne returns from China in a week." "Why? What happens then?" Akane asked. "She will try to kill you," Mousse replied. * * * * Akane though. "Cologne will *what*!" Ranma shouted. "Settle down Saotome," Mousse said, "Panicking will not help." He turned back to Akane. "What will you do?" he asked. Akane looked sidelong at Ranma, trying to decide if she should ask him to leave. she decided, "Well, once I felt ready, I was going to challenge the law Shampoo is using to claim Ranma as her husband." Akane said. Mousse nodded in appreciation. "Very wise, it need not be a death match then. Cologne could choose Shampoo to defend the law, but I believe she would do it herself." "That's what Mokoyashi-sensei told me." Akane said. "Who is this Sensei? I have not met her," Mousse asked. Ranma stepped forward. "The old lady who taught Akane her new techniques," he said absently before turned to Akane. "I don't like this Akane. I don't like this at all." Akane looked up into his eyes, the concern she saw in them sent a warm feeling through her. She stared up into those eyes steadily, trying to hide any trace of fear. "I have to do this Ranma, you know they'll never give up otherwise." "We can find another way, maybe *I* can challenge the law. After all, I beat her once before," Ranma voice was pleading. "Only a woman can challenge an Amazon law," Mousse injected. "So I'll use my girl form, I'll need the extra speed anyway." Mousse looked thoughtful. "I don't suggest it, it will give them a loophole if you win." "Arrggg! There's *got* to be another way." "The only other safe options are for you to marry Shampoo." Mousse's voice made it clear that was not an option he was happy with. "Or for Akane to go into hiding. She is too dangerous for Cologne to ignore her now." The three were silent for a long moment. Ranma broke the silence. "Akane, let's go." "Huh?" "Let's pack up and go on a long training trip. We can stay gone until Cologne gives up." Ranma put his hands on her shoulders. "Please Akane? I don't want you to get...hurt." "It would be the intelligent thing to do," Mousse agreed. "No! I won't run away! Besides, I promised Mokoyashi-sensei." Ranma shook his head. "You only promised not to let Cologne take me away from you." "What? How did you know?" "She told me, the night she died. When she asked you to leave the room for a few minutes." "Oh," was all Akane could get out. She fought the hot feeling of unshed tears that still came when she thought of the old womans death. Another long moment of silence fell on the group. Again Ranma broke it. "Okay, how about a compromise. Mousse said we've got a week. In six days you fight me. If you beat me I'll know you've got a chance against the old mummy. If you lose, then we go - immediately and for as long as necessary." Akane thought about it. She was pretty sure she could take Ranma now, as long as he didn't use ki techniques. She could handle the Chestnut fist attack, including several variations he'd tried on her. If he went all out though...she *might* beat him. Would six days of training be enough? "All right, deal,"she agreed. "As long as you help train me." "Oh yeah. I'm going to train you 'til you drop," he answered. Ukyou and Kasumi choose that moment to return with trays of drinks and snacks. "What's this about training?" Ukyou asked. "I'm training to fight Cologne," Akane said quietly. "So Mousse-honey was right," Ukyou said. She set down her tray and drew a handfull of her mini spatulas. "Well, Mousse? You going to help me 'train' Akane?" She asked. "Of course Ukyou. Are you ready Akane Tendo?" "Uhh...I guess so." Akane answered "Very well then." Mousse jumped back so he was next to Ukyou. "Attack!" And suddenly four tiny spatulas and two chains were heading for Akane's face. * * * * Ukyou launched her mini spatulas as she saw Mousse throw his hands forward in his trademark chained weapon attack. Despite Akane's supposed improvement, she couldn't get herself to throw her full barrage of six spatulas, keeping it to four spatulas in a diagonal pattern. It was easier to dodge, but Mousse's weapons should cover the biggest hole in her attack. In the fraction of a second it tool the spatulas to reach their target, she saw Akane's wide-eyed look and though she'd made terrible mistake - even a four spatula pattern was too much. Then Akane *blurred*. Ukyou snatched six of her mini spatulas and threw them in two waves of three, hoping to drive Akane into Mousse's more dangerous weapons. She swung her battle spatula out just as Akane seemed to appear in front of her. Ukyou swung wildly, back peddlig to stay out of Akane's reach. She felt an unexpected, savage blow to her right arm, forcing her to drop the battle spatula as the arm went limp from the shock. The attack eased suddenly as one of Mousse's chains wrapped around Akane's leg and she was forced to focus her attention on him. She pulled a mini spatula out with her good arm and watched for an opening while catching her breath. Akane was moving so fast it was hard to see her position. Her whole body had that indistinct look Ranchan's arms had when he was doing the Chestnut Fist attack. Mousse shifted and Ukyou realized she'd waited too long, Akane was inside Mousse's guard where most of his hidden weapon techniques would be unusable. Hoping to distract their opponent she leapt at her with a yell, going for a simple body check to would give Mousse time to recover. She felt herself hit, but somehow Akane managed to roll with it and turn it into a throw. A *hard* throw. Ukyou had just a moment before she crashed into the floor, just long enough to spot Ranma watching the fight with a dispassionate, critical eye. Ukyou cried out at the impact. She gritted her teeth and tried to jump up to help Mousse. Somehow her sleeves were pinned to the dojo floor by two of her own spatulas. Before she could yank them out, Mousse was dumped on top of her. "Sugar, you sure are heavy," she gasped before passing out. * * * * Akane sighed in pleasure as she sank into the furo. "Oh, I really need a long soak." Ukyou gave her a muted grin at her from the other side of the tub. "Quite a workout, huh sugar?" "Oh, yeah. You and Mousse really work well together. I thought you had me that second time." Ukyou snorted. "It sure didn't look like it. And the third time we didn't touch you." Akane sat in the water, eyes closed. She was glad Ukyou didn't seem mad at her any more. She'd always liked Ukyou. If Akane didn't end up with Ranma, she'd like Ukyou to be the one who married him. That thought sparked a few ideas, and brought forward some fears she'd tried to ignore. "Thank you, Ukyou," Akane said without opening her eyes. "What for?" Ukyou asked. "For helping me." "It was Mousse's idea. I was just gonna beat the tar out of you. Well, try to beat the tar out of you anyway," Ukyou answered. "I guess I'd be in the hospital now if I'd tried." "No, you wouldn't." Akane opened her eyes and stared at Ukyou. "I might lose my temper and try to hurt you, but Ranma wouldn't let me *really* hurt his Ucchan." Ukyou sighed. "He wouldn't let me beat the tar out of you either." Ukyou looked up to meet Akane's eyes. "Could even Ranchan stop you now?" "With a word," Akane said with a small grin. "That's not what I meant." "I know. I really don't know if I could beat Ranma now," Akane answered. Akane decided she didn't want to tell Ukyou that she'd have a chance to find out in less than a week. Or that she and Ranma were going to run away together if she lost. Besides there was something else she wanted to talk about while she and Ukyou were alone. "Ukyou?" "Yeah, Akane?" "I-I'm going to fight Cologne in a week. I really don't know if I can beat her." "Yeah, sugar?" "If I don't...if I'm killed, Ranma's going to be in rough shape. He's going to need you." "Umm...Do you really think Cologne would kill you?" Ukyou asked. "Of course, I'll be a danger to her otherwise. Just listen, okay Ukyou?" Ukyou nodded. "If...something should happen to me, daddy and Mr. Saotome will try to engage Ranma to Nabiki. That won't make either of them happy. Anyway, I plan on leaving a note suggesting daddy adopt you into the family. Then you can marry Ranma and still keep the family promise intact." Akane almost giggled at Ukyou's slack-mouthed and wide-eyed look. "Would you do it Ukyou? If I get killed will you become a Tendo and take care of Ranma?" "Umm...sure Akane. I'd be honored. I...we'll name our first daughter 'Akane'." A tear rolled down Akane's left cheek. "I'd like that," she whispered. Then she angrily wiped away the tear. "Not that it matters," Akane said in a more normal voice. "I'm going to knock that old hag all the way back to China!" "Right!" Ukyou said with a grin. "Then we can go back to our usual fight over Ranchan." Akane wasn't sure, but she thought there was a touch of sadness behind Ukyou's eyes when she said that. She shook her head. It was long past time she and Ukyou stopped fighting. "Maybe not. I think it's time you and I came to an agreement about Ranma." Akane said. "Oh?" Ukyou said, her smile moving from weak to non-existance. "Uh huh. From now on we let him decide Š as long as he decides between us!" "So...we fight off all Ranma's other suitors, then stand meekly back while Ranchan decides?" Ukyou asked. "Right, though I don't see any reason why we should be meek about it." Ukyou's grin came back. "You got a deal sugar." * * * "Dinner time Nabiki!" Kasumi called. "Be right down," Nabiki called back. She made a final entry in her ledger and closed it with a sigh of satisfaction. Her bookkeeping and homework were done for the week and she had the whole evening free. She dashed downstairs. Being late for a meal with the human vacuum cleaner and his father around meant little or no food. Nabiki found she needn't have have worried though, neither Ranma or Akane were at the table yet. Mr. Saotome was eyeing Ranma's plate, but Kasumi was nearby with a wooden mixing spoon held ready. As Nabiki sat, Mr. Saotome made a grab for Ranma's pork bun. The wooden spoon moved like lightning, slapping the hand before it reached Ranma's plate. "Mr. Saotome! I told you to wait until Ranma and Akane get here!" Kasumi scolded. "So where are they? It's not like Ranma to be late for dinner." Nabiki asked. "I told them they had to clean up before dinner, they've been training since Mousse and Ukyou left, and *really* needed a bath." "So...," Nabiki said nonchalantly. "They're bathing together?" Kasumi frowned a tiny bit. "I would think so, I told them to hurry." The two fathers looked up with hope gleaming in their eyes. "But I'm not worried about *that*. They're far too tired to do anything improper," Kasumi added. The couple stumbled into the room and dropped to their places at the table. Nabiki eyed them carefully. Akane looked incredibly tired and Ranma didn't look much better. "You look dead little sister," Nabiki probed. Akane groaned. "I wish I felt that good." "You've sure been pushing the training hard this last month or two," Nabiki said as she poked at her food with a chopstick. "I guess so," Akane agreed. "It's this new techniqueŠtakes a lot of practice to master." "This the same technique you used to beat these three when they ganged up on you?" Despite her exhaustion Akane managed a smile. "Uh huh, and the Kunos." Nabiki blushed and looked away. "Hey, don't worry neechan, we were just kidding about that Kuno thing." Ranma said. Nabiki wondered. Nabiki cleared her throat. "I'm just embarrassed you two managed to put one over on me. I was having a bad day, it won't happen again." Not wanting to continue that particular conversation, Nabiki pretended to lose interest and started eating. A cry of frustration from Ranma brought her attention back to the table. "No way pop. I've been working hard all day while you sat on your butt. Give back my food!" Ranma yelled at his father. Genma gave his son his best 'this is for your own good' expression. "Take it back boy, if you think you can." "For goodness sake!" Akane said, obviously annoyed. There was a light breeze across the table and suddenly Ranma's and his father's plates were switched. Ranma grinned and gave Akane a quick wink, which only Nabiki was in a position to see. "Sure pop," he said cheerfully before digging into his now over full plate. Genma just stared with his mouth open. Then his face filled with righteous anger. "How dare you steal you father's dinner!" he said and made a lunge for Ranma's plate with his chopsticks. Ranma didn't even look up from his eating. Genma came away with no food and only half his chopsticks. "How'd you do that boy?" Genma asked quietly, staring at the end of his chopsticks. "Yes, son," Soun said. "What was all that about?" Ranma swallowed a mouthful of food and gave the two fathers an innocent look. "Me? I had nothing to do with it." Akane held out her hand and let several pieces of ex-chopstick fall to the table. "Leave Ranma's food alone Mr. Saotome, I'm too tired for games right now," she said. Now both the fathers were staring open-mouthed. This time at Akane. Ranma finished his (and his father's) food with his usual dispatch. "Hurry up Akane, we gotta get back to the dojo," he said. Akane groaned and started eating faster. "Don't you two have homework to finish?" Kasumi asked. "Tomorrow is a school day." "Umm... Ranma started. Akane glanced at Ranma, then back to Kasumi. "We won't be going to school for the next week, we have to train." "I don't think that's a good idea Akane. Training is important, but so is school," Kasumi said. "I *have* to, Kasumi." "Why is that?" "I have to be ready before Cologne tries to kill me." "Oh my." "Waaa! My little girl is going to be killed by an old troll!" Nabiki sighed at the usual reactions. "You better tell us what's going on." * * * * Ukyou sat at her cold grill, looking at nothing. Even if she'd been paying attention, her dark, empty shop didn't give her much to look at. Her mind was locked on the image of Ranma and Akane kissing. Over and over she would see Kasumi opening the dojo doors and there he would be...with *her* in his arms. A loud knocking and the muffled sound of her name finally broke the hold the images had on her. She looked around her dark resturant and then at the clock. She wondered. She shuffled over to the door and saw Mousse standing there, hand raised to knock again. To her surprise she was glad to see him. She let the Chinese boy into the shop. Without a word he grasped her shoulder in sympathy, just as he had when she'd seen *them* kissing. "Oh gods Mousse, I've lost him," she said hoarsely. "She's won, she's taken him from me. And the worst part is, I can't even hate her for it." She looked up at Mousse with tears running down her face. His look held no contempt for her tears, no pity, only sympathy and caring. With a sob she buried herself in his arms and wept uncontrollably. * * * * Kasumi peeked into Akane's room as had nearly every night since Ranma had arrived. The bed was empty, she'd probably fallen asleep in the dojo again. She would have to wake Ranma and have him carry her up to bed. Kasumi walked down the hall to the guest room and silently slid open the door. Ranma's futon was empty too. Her normal happy smile faded as she made her way down to the dojo. Feeling a bit self conscious about 'spying' she cracked open the dojo doors and peered inside. Kasumi giggled. She closed the door and went back to the house, returning a few minutes later with a blanket. She crept quietly inside and covered the sleeping pair. She almost wished she had Nabiki's camera, they just looked so darn cute with Akane curled up next to Ranma like that. She slipped quietly out of the dojo, reminding herself to wake them up early so no one else saw. A few minutes later Akane stirred slightly, shifting around a bit and wondering why her pajamas felt so rough, almost like her gi. Then a warm arm pulled her gently in and she sighed in contentment, falling into a sleep more peaceful than any she'd experienced since her mother's death. * * * * In a patch of wilderness west of Tokyo a voice cried out into the night. "You just wait Ranma Saotome! I'll get you for what you've done to me!" *Splash* "Bwee!" ===END PART 4=== C&C *very* welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.